Solutions Chimiques Desco is a Canadian manufacturer of professional truck and fleet cleaners & specialty products such as degreasers, aluminum brighteners & deoxidizer, providing faster cleaning for optimal results.
Whether you're a truck wash owner, manage fleets, or a heavy equipment company, our technical specialists are dedicated to offer expert service to enable you to achieve the best results by evaluating soil types and recommending the right cleaning chemistry and equipment that meets your needs.
We offer a range of products that are free of phosphates, petroleum, NTAs and NPEs ––that are biodegradable and do not contain VOCs. Our macro-emulsion technology enables our solvent-free detergents to be compatible with interceptors, preventing oil migration into wastewaters.
Our ISO 9001 customer quality management program aims to: offer a product that meets customer standards • provide customer service that meets expectations • involve staff in achieving customer quality objectives • encourage leadership • work on continuous improvement • Plan, Realize, Check, Act!